Thursday, January 29, 2009

Life is a learning curve

I've always said what a shame it is that it takes a lifetime for us to learn and get wise and then it all goes to waste when we die. It would be nice if we knew all that we need to know as soon as we hit that magical age of maturity and independence, the age of 21. But, I admit that it would be pretty boring, not learning anything new from the age of 21 until we croak.

I remember reading somewhere that the crisis in our life is what, in hindsight later on, we call "adventures". That reminds me of a story I read once, don't know if it really happened or was made up.

This family of two parents and two kids used to travel with road trips in the summer when the kids were out of school. Their old car could be counted on breaking down at least once during the trip, stranding them in lonely roads, at the mercy of passing good samaritans to offer them assistance. The father finally gave up and bought a brand new car. From then on they never had any more breakdowns, things went smoothly and without hitches. But, the kids were bored and no longer enjoyed their road trips. The father asked them why. The kids said those breakdowns were "adventures" and they got to know lots of interesting and helpful people during those ordeals.

So, no matter what the subject, there's always a silver lining if you look for it. Learning, even by making mistakes you'll later regret, is an adventure that makes you grow as an individual. Those mistakes are really what makes you wise. There's no learning like experiencing life yourself.

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